Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happy Birthday SERN and MAE!!!!

Today was Sern and Mae's birthday =D , We bought egg and E-way brought the flour and coffee powder . We had around 8 eggs , thats a lot! Then we asked Jing to take care of it , then we had fun in class . Non of our teacher came -.- , so we joked around . We did some cool tricks like 360 free running and stuff! Till school ended , and we found all eggs that Jing kept was all rampas-ed . I dint know how the eggs go rampas-ed , NOOB JING!!!! Ya so we just use coffee powder and flour it was still fun . ARRRRRR tomorrow is exam T.T crap man I need to study , Ciao people and good luck for those who got exam =D

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